Higgins Contractors Choose Guardian Trench Shields for Trench Safety
Higgins, a well-known and trusted civil contracting company with branches throughout New Zealand and Fiji, has delivered quality infrastructure projects since the mid-1950s. Grant Hollows, the drainage manager for a subdivision project in Omokoroa, Bay of Plenty, NZ, shared his experience using Guardian’s aluminium trench shields for extensive earthworks. Grant shared, “The thing I like most about the shields is they are lightweight,”. His team handled and maneuvered the 5m shields easily using a smaller, less expensive machine, highlighting the shields’ lightweight design and ease of use for on-site transport and positioning. Grant thought “the shields performed well under the project’s conditions” and overall, enjoyed Guardian’s service, highlighting that he likes “the flexibility to off-hire shields when no longer needed at certain stages of the project”, which saved his team money on pick-up and delivery costs. “Overall a good experience dealing with Guardian, and I enjoyed working with Huntley.” Grant Hollows | Higgins BOP
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